Methods &  Coffee Culture

Methods & Coffee Culture


What temperature do Baristas make Coffee? The ideal water temperature for extractions is between 195 F and 205 F, which is a little below the boiling point of water: 212 F. What's good about this temperature range is that it works across all brewing methods. So don't use boiling water anymore and see how different your coffee taste. 


Ideal Roasted for Specialty Colombian Coffees

Roasting brings out the aroma and flavor that are inside the coffee beans. For our specialty coffees we are looking for a coffee that is not burnt or undercooked. We are looking for a balance in our cup. The ideal cup that is roasted to keep all the good characteristics, flavors and notes for our green beans is Medium Roast.  Medium roasts allow us to bring all the attributes and flavors without losing quality in our cup.

Brewing Coffee vs Espresso Coffee

Brewing your coffee through different methods, such as Chemex, French Press or V60 is a good option for those who love a smooth coffee. The ratio between coffee and water is higher than the Espresso. This ratio can be from 1:10 (1 Gr of coffee for 20 milliliters of water) to 1:20, it depends on the barista and the method he selects.  The intensity in the cup results in a clear, coffee color with less acidity, less intensity and a sweeter more fruity flavor. On the other hand, Espressos have a ratio 1:2 (1 Gr of coffee per 2 milliliters of water) which results in a bigger body, more intensity and acidity and strong notes of chocolate.

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